How do I get my books?
Books are provided for each student through Tree of Life. For Traditional students, you can pick up your books at the Student Life center between 8:00am and 5:00pm, Monday through Thursday during the first week of classes. Starting Monday the 31st, any books that have not been picked up yet will be available for pickup in the Mailroom. Our Professional and Graduate Studies (PGS) students will have their textbooks mailed to their home address.
How do I report a concern for myself or others?
Our CARE Team meets regularly to coordinate support and assistance for students. If you have a need personally or know of another student’s need, you may let us know by filling out the form at or by contacting Kimberly Love at 503-517-1009 or
How will I attend Chapel this year?
Traditional Chapels will be conducted virtually in the first semester on Tuesdays from 10:30-11:20am. Sessions (small groups) will happen on Thursdays from 10:30-11:20am. Students will be permitted to enter these virtual gatherings for up to ten minutes into the start time (after that the virtual event will be closed). Attendance will be logged via a link provided by the Campus Ministries team during the gathering. There are 30 standard opportunities for students to engage in our unique community gatherings. Students may also attend in-person 4 live meditative-worship events planned (Uphill & Unplugged) . Capacity will be determined based on what is allowed at the time of scheduling. Students may also receive “faith credit” for having a 1-on-1 conference (live or virtual) with the Campus Pastor (or a representative). All total, there are 35 opportunities to receive faith-credits in the fall semester.
How will I know if there are confirmed COVID-19 cases on campus?
Warner Pacific University will keep the community updated through our COVID-19 dashboard. WPU will maintain this page to inform the community on the number of confirmed positive COVID-19 cases reported from students, faculty, staff and campus visitors (outside vendors, etc.) who have been known to be on campus.
How will service learning work?
Service learning and civic engagement opportunities will be provided throughout the Fall semester in both in-person and virtual modalities. Common Day of Service in September will include both virtual/remote learning options and service projects students may complete from any location. Faith and Service requirements remain the same as previous years for all students, with options to complete all requirements from home. All students must end the semester with 25 faith and service credits. Residential students are expected to attend 15 faith experiences (chapel, sessions, uphill and unplugged, Campus Pastor meeting) and complete 10 service hours. Commuters must have a combination of faith and service hours that equal 25, with at least 5 faith hours and 5 service hours.
How will the dining hall work?
On-campus dining will be adapted to facilitate social distancing and other safety measures. Seating capacity at the dining hall will be reduced for the Fall semester, online ordering will be available, and most meals will be prepared for take-away without self-service options. Extended hours and expanded pick up locations will help reduce density at any given time.
I am planning to take only online classes during the fall semester. Am I required to live on campus?
Residential requirements remain in place, but students who have concerns or questions may file for accommodations through the Disability Resource Center or by petitioning for an exception through the Student Life Policy Review Committee. More information can be found through contacting Vanessa Guerrero, WPU’s housing coordinator. If we move to online only classes during the semester, are students eligible for prorated refunds for housing or meal plans?
Is the Academic Calendar the same?
Is the Rec Center open?
The projected opening date for the Fitness Center and Weight Room is September 1. The area will have new health guidelines and sanitation protocols in place, and only WPU students and staff will be allowed to use the facilities. Updates will be communicated should changes to guidelines be needed. The WPU gymnasium will open in mid-September.
Is there a deadline to request fully online classes?
If a student or someone they live with are in an at-risk category and the student needs to access all coursework online, we ask that you would fill out a Request For Fully Online Courses. Not all courses are available fully online. If the request is not approved, we recommend that the student connect with their academic advisor to adjust their course load or explore how the course requirements can be fulfilled in another manner. The request to be “Fully Online” needs to be submitted by the add/drop date (September 4, 2020).
What are the mailroom hours?
The mailroom is open 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday.
What do I do if I feel sick?
Every campus community member is asked to self-monitor for any symptoms of COVID-19 before coming to campus. If you have any of the symptoms related to COVID-19 or listed on WPU’s Campus Clear app, please contact your medical professional to address your symptoms. Students may also visit to speak with a doctor.
What is happening with athletics?
All sports will continue this year. Fall sports competitions have been moved to Spring 2021 with practices beginning later in the Fall semester. Winter sports will begin after November 1, 2020. Spring sports will remain as scheduled. Updates for this and all information regarding Knights athletics can be found at WPU will continue to follow all NAIA protocols and Federal, state, and local guidance for a safe return to competition.
What is the “Knights’ Pledge”?
The Knights Pledge is our shared commitment to practices that protect the health of ourselves, others, and our campus community as we begin to re-engage in more in-person learning environments. A summary of the pledges’ key points and the entire pledge can be located at
What is the plan for campus housing?
We understand that campus housing is many students’ primary residence during the year. Therefore, we have worked to ensure that housing may remain open and available to students regardless of whether classes are able to meet in person or must adjust to online only at some point during the semester. Students who move into campus housing this Fall are agreeing to remain in the unit for the semester. Any changes made to housing and meal plans prior to September 5th may be eligible for a pro-rated refund. Changes made after September 5th will not be considered for a refund.
What is the plan for cleaning and sanitizing in the residential halls?
Shared spaces including lounges and laundry rooms are sanitized five days a week and cleaned daily. Cleaning materials are also available for residents to perform additional sanitization of areas they are using. Please only use the bathroom on your wing or floor. RAs will also sanitize shared spaces during nightly rounds.
What support services are available?
Support services such as Counseling, Academic Tutoring, Success and Retention Services, Disability Resources, and more are available through both in person and phone/video conferencing meetings. Students may contact the relevant departments to schedule appointments in advance.
What will happen if someone tests positive for COVID-19?
Anyone who tests positive for COVID-19 is asked to report this to WPU’s COVID Response Team. They will be asked when they were last on campus and additional questions in order to facilitate contact tracing.
What’s the policy about residential Guests and visitation?
To assist with contact tracing and reduce the spread of COVID-19, only residents of a residence hall are allowed in the building. External visitors are not allowed in campus housing. Apartment residents may invite another student into their unit with the permission of their suitemate if they have one. Residence hall residents may have one resident from their floor or wing in their room at a time. WPU is creating outdoor spaces where residents may meet other students if desired.
When and how do I obtain a parking pass?
We have moved to an online vehicle registration/parking pass order form for the Fall semester. Students will pick up their parking pass at the Student Life Center when they arrive on campus.
Will athletes still practice?
Official start to sport practices will be phased in beginning September 14, 2020. Please check for updates.
Will class sizes change?
Our campus, classrooms, and coursework have all been redesigned to maintain safety protocols according to the best guidelines from our county, state, and higher education officials. Still, we recognize that there may be circumstances that put students, employees or family members at higher risk of serious illness, and we are making every effort to continue to make coursework accessible for all involved. In accordance with county guidelines, in- person classes will have a maximum of 25 students in Phase 1 and a maximum of 50 students in phase 2. All classrooms are set up for students to maintain 6 ft. of physical distance from other students at all times.
Will I be required to be test for COVID-19?
Warner Pacific University students and employees are not required to test for COVID-19 at this time.
Will I be required to wear a mask?
Everyone (faculty, staff, students, and visitors) will wear a face covering over the nose and mouth in University buildings and on the campus grounds when others are present, unless an exception has been approved.
Will I share a room?
Students who choose to live on campus for the Fall will be assigned a single-occupancy room for the semester. WPU has moved to single-occupancy only rooms to ensure that housing can remain open for students no matter what direction the pandemic takes.
Will there be events for the residence halls?
Our top priority is creating an engaging environment within our residential spaces while maintaining appropriate distancing and health measures. Throughout the semester, Residence Life will host a combination of virtual programming and in person outdoor events, virtual resident advisor check ins, and virtual residence life coordinator meet and greets. Students will have access to facilitated discussions about movies, podcasts, and recordings and have the opportunity to access “grab and go” programming materials to help create connection to the residential community. Residence Life will also highlight virtual content and programs from across campus that students may participate in. When possible, events will be held in-person while maintaining safe physical distancing practices.
Are classes going to be in-person or online?
The University currently plans to hold in-person classes with some courses offered in hybrid and online formats for students who are registered for face-to-face instruction, and we will continue to provide instruction to students registered in online cohorts. This approach allows us to bring back as many members of our community as possible for the new academic year, while adhering to public health guidance around social distancing and other measures designed in an effort to prevent the spread of COVID-19
Are there expectations for campus residents?
Residents are expected to wear a mask at all times when outside of their residence hall room or apartment. When in social settings, physical distancing must be maintained at all times.
Can I still visit the counseling center?
Yes. The Counseling Center staff are available for both virtual and in-person appointments this Fall. The center will schedule clients so that there is minimal interaction, and spaces are being reconfigured for appropriate distancing, ventilation, and sanitizing for in-person counseling.